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Earth Day 2022

This Earth Day we are thinking about what we can do to invest in our planet. Here at Carbon Saving Group, we have been moving towards providing a whole-house approach when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. We started the company seven years ago to meet the growing need to…

This Earth Day we are thinking about what we can do to invest in our planet. Here at Carbon Saving Group, we have been moving towards providing a whole-house approach when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. We started the company seven years ago to meet the growing need to improve energy performance in homes across Plymouth and Devon. Working alongside the largest energy providers, over the past two years we have installed over 1656 energy saving measures into homes under the Energy Company Obligation scheme.

Since the Government announced their revised grant scheme to incentivise homeowners to install low-carbon heating systems, in October 2021, we have been working closely with our installation team to ensure we are ready for the launch of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). Applications are due to open on 23 May 2022, however as the new scheme officially launched in April, they will honour applications for installs delivered from 1 April 2022.

Over the years we have been working with customers to deliver energy saving measures to their homes, we have learnt that each home and family is unique. Moving forward, when we survey a property, we will look at it from a whole house approach. This means, rather than just sending out our surveyor to assess the suitability of your home for a low-carbon heating system, we will also look at other measures that can help you to save energy. This could be from recommending the customer update their lights to energy saving bulbs through to improving their home insulation to make further savings on their energy consumption.

If you are considering updating your home with a low-carbon heating system – air source heat pump, or would like to book a free home survey, contact the team today.

In the meantime, here are some top energy saving tips to help us all support and protect the Earth

Drive Less – Bike More
With fuel prices going through the roof there has never been a bigger incentive to dust the bike off and start peddling to work.

Buy less Plastic
Supermarkets are starting to improve their packaging, but we can still do more. Buy loose veg, eat fewer ready meals, look for local independent shops that offer unpackaged goods.

Conserve Water
If you fill a bottle of water from the tap and store it in the fridge there is no need to wait for the cold tap to run cold. There are lots of ways to reduce water waste, but this one is a no-brainer.

Light Bulbs
Switch your bulbs to energy saving ones to save £££ from your annual utility bill. Making sure you switch the light off when you leave the room is also a quick win.

Sign-up to a local beach clean, it’s a great way to get out in the fresh air and meet new people.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
We can all do more to reduce the amount of waste we put in the bin. Reusing and repurposing old household items is a great way to do all three.

Car Boot Sale
Instead of chucking away old items, why not set your alarm early one Sunday and pop along to your local car boot sale – it’s a great way to ensure old items avoid landfill whilst earning a bit of spare cash.

Clothes Washing
Invest in a guppy bag (or similar) to avoid small plastic particles entering our waterways. There are also fantastic non-toxic cleaning brands on the market that do a great job of keeping your home clean whilst being planet friendly.

Plant a Tree
There are plenty of local volunteer groups where you can get involved and help to plant trees, but if you have a garden, it’s a great opportunity to enhance your home environment too.

This is still our favourite, by holidaying in the UK you will save carbon and help to improve the local economy – it’s a win in our book.

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